Azure Logic App: Azure Event Hub Based Trigger – Reprocess Failed Events
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Azure Logic App: Azure Event Hub Based Trigger – Reprocess Failed Events

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Are you tired of dealing with failed events in your Azure Event Hub? Do you struggle to reprocess those events and get your workflow back on track? Worry no more! In this article, we’ll explore the power of Azure Logic Apps and how to create an Azure Event Hub based trigger to reprocess failed events. Buckle up and let’s dive in!

What are Azure Event Hubs?

Azure Event Hubs is a fully managed, real-time data ingestion service that can process and store millions of events per second. It provides a scalable, secure, and reliable way to capture, process, and analyze large volumes of data from various sources. Event Hubs are commonly used in event-driven architectures, IoT scenarios, and big data pipelines.

What is an Azure Logic App?

Azure Logic Apps is a cloud-based service that enables you to automate and orchestrate business processes, workflows, and integrations. It provides a visual interface to design, build, and deploy scalable, secure, and reliable workflows that integrate with various services, applications, and systems.

Why Use Azure Logic Apps with Azure Event Hubs?

Combining Azure Logic Apps with Azure Event Hubs provides a powerful solution for processing and handling events in real-time. Here are some benefits of using Azure Logic Apps with Azure Event Hubs:

  • Real-time event processing: Azure Logic Apps can process events from Azure Event Hubs in real-time, enabling instant reactions to critical events.
  • Scalability: Azure Logic Apps can handle large volumes of events from Azure Event Hubs, ensuring that your workflow can scale to meet the demands of your application.
  • Flexibility: Azure Logic Apps provide a wide range of connectors and actions, enabling you to integrate with various services and systems to process and handle events.
  • Reliability: Azure Logic Apps ensure that events are processed reliably, even in the event of failures or errors.

Creating an Azure Event Hub Based Trigger in Azure Logic Apps

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into creating an Azure Event Hub based trigger in Azure Logic Apps. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Log in to the Azure portal and navigate to the Azure Logic Apps service.

  2. Click on the “Create a logic app” button to create a new Azure Logic App.

  3. Search for “Azure Event Hubs” in the connectors and triggers page, and select the “Azure Event Hubs” trigger.

  4. Select the “When events are available in Event Hub” option, and then select the Event Hub namespace, Event Hub name, and Consumer group.

  5. Set the “Event Hub message type” to “CloudEvent” and the “Event schema” to “Default”.

  6. Click “Add” to add the trigger to your Azure Logic App.

  "type": "AzureEventHub",
  "inputs": {
    "connection": {
      "type": "@azure/logic/actions/eventhubs"
    "eventHubName": "/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces//eventhubs/",
    "consumerGroup": "",
    "messageType": "CloudEvent",
    "eventSchema": "Default"

Reprocessing Failed Events

Now that we’ve set up the Azure Event Hub based trigger, let’s focus on reprocessing failed events. To do this, we’ll add an “Exception” scope to our Azure Logic App.

  1. Click on the “New step” button and search for “Exception” in the actions page.

  2. Select the “Exception” action and add it to your Azure Logic App.

  3. In the “Exception” scope, add a “Reprocess failed events” action.

  4. Select the “Azure Event Hubs” connector and choose the “Send events” action.

  5. Select the same Event Hub namespace, Event Hub name, and Consumer group as before.

  6. Set the “Event content” to the failed event, and add any additional properties or headers as needed.

  7. Click “Add” to add the action to your Azure Logic App.

  "type": "Action",
  "inputs": {
    "actionType": "AzureEventHubSend",
    "eventHubName": "/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces//eventhubs/",
    "consumerGroup": "",
    "eventContent": "@body('Exception')",
    "headers": {
      ".ContentType": "application/cloudevent+json"

Handling Failed Events

Now that we’ve set up the reprocessing mechanism, let’s discuss how to handle failed events.

When an event fails to process, it’s crucial to handle it properly to avoid data loss and ensure that your workflow remains reliable. Here are some strategies for handling failed events:

  • Dead-letter queue: Use an Azure Storage Queue or Service Bus Queue as a dead-letter queue to store failed events. This allows you to analyze and reprocess failed events later.

  • Error logging: Log failed events to a centralized logging service, such as Azure Monitor or Application Insights, to track and analyze errors.

  • Implement a retry policy to reprocess failed events after a specified time interval. This can help to handle temporary errors or connectivity issues.

  • Send notifications to administrators or developers when failed events occur, enabling prompt action to resolve the issue.


In this article, we’ve explored the power of Azure Logic Apps and Azure Event Hubs, and how to create an Azure Event Hub based trigger to reprocess failed events. By following these steps and strategies, you can ensure that your workflow remains reliable and efficient, even in the face of failed events.

Remember to monitor and analyze your Azure Logic App and Azure Event Hub to identify areas for improvement and optimize your workflow. Happy coding!

Keyword Description
Azure Logic App A cloud-based service that enables you to automate and orchestrate business processes, workflows, and integrations.
Azure Event Hub A fully managed, real-time data ingestion service that can process and store millions of events per second.
CloudEvent A standardized event format that provides a common way to express events across different systems and services.
Consumer group A group of event hub instances that compete to consume events from an event hub.

By following the instructions and strategies outlined in this article, you’ll be able to create an Azure Event Hub based trigger in Azure Logic Apps and reprocess failed events efficiently. Remember to handle failed events properly to ensure the reliability and efficiency of your workflow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about Azure Logic App’s Azure Event Hub based trigger and reprocessing failed events? We’ve got you covered!

What is the purpose of the Azure Event Hub based trigger in Azure Logic Apps?

The Azure Event Hub based trigger in Azure Logic Apps allows you to create event-driven workflows that respond to events streaming from Event Hubs. It enables real-time event processing, IoT device integration, and cloud-based event handling.

How do I configure the Azure Event Hub trigger to reprocess failed events in Azure Logic Apps?

To reprocess failed events, you need to enable the “retry policy” in the Event Hub trigger. This allows you to specify the number of retries, retry interval, and maximum retry attempts. You can also configure the Logic App to store failed events in a storage account for later reprocessing.

What are the benefits of reprocessing failed events in Azure Logic Apps?

Reprocessing failed events ensures that critical business events are not lost due to temporary failures. It helps maintain data consistency, prevents data loss, and provides a robust event handling mechanism. This feature is particularly useful in scenarios where event processing is critical, such as IoT device monitoring or real-time analytics.

How can I troubleshoot reprocessing failed events in Azure Logic Apps?

To troubleshoot reprocessing failed events, you can enable diagnostics logging in the Logic App, monitor the Event Hub trigger’s retry policy, and analyze the storage account where failed events are stored. You can also use Azure Monitor and Azure Log Analytics to track and debug event processing issues.

Are there any performance considerations when reprocessing failed events in Azure Logic Apps?

Yes, reprocessing failed events can impact the performance of your Logic App, especially if you’re dealing with a large volume of events. To mitigate this, ensure you’ve optimized your Event Hub trigger and retry policy, and consider implementing event batching and debatching to reduce the load on your Logic App.

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