Unlock the Secrets of Pine Script: How to Add Prefix Before Value in the Status Line of a Chart
Image by Monnie - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Secrets of Pine Script: How to Add Prefix Before Value in the Status Line of a Chart

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As a Pine Script enthusiast, you’re likely no stranger to the world of technical analysis and charting. But, have you ever wondered how to add a prefix before the value in the status line of a chart? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the mysteries of Pine Script and show you exactly how to achieve this feat.

What is the Status Line, and Why Do We Need a Prefix?

The status line, also known as the “tooltip” or “data window,” is that handy little box that appears when you hover over a chart. It provides essential information about the current price, open, high, low, close, and other relevant data points. However, what if you want to add a prefix, like “BTC” or “USD,” to the value displayed in the status line?

This is where things get interesting. By adding a prefix, you can provide additional context to the data, making it easier to understand and analyze. For instance, if you’re creating a cryptocurrency chart, adding “BTC” before the price value can help traders quickly identify the asset being traded.

Understanding Pine Script Basics

Before we dive into the solution, let’s cover some Pine Script fundamentals.

Pine Script is a lightweight, open-source language developed by TradingView, a popular platform for technical analysis and charting. Pine Script allows you to create custom indicators, strategies, and scripts for charting and analysis.

To write Pine Script, you’ll need a basic understanding of programming concepts, such as variables, data types, and functions. If you’re new to Pine Script, we recommend checking out TradingView’s official documentation and tutorials.

The Solution: Adding a Prefix to the Status Line

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get to the good stuff! To add a prefix to the status line, you’ll need to use the `tooltip` function in Pine Script. This function allows you to customize the content displayed in the status line.

indicator("My Chart")

// Define the prefix
prefix = "BTC"

// Define the value to display
value = close

// Create the tooltip with the prefix and value
tooltip = prefix + " " + tostring(value)

// Plot the chart
plot(shape.label.new(bar_index, value, tooltip, yloc=yloc.price, color=color.white, style=shape.label.style_label_upper_left))

In the above example, we define the prefix as “BTC” and the value to display as the `close` price. We then use the `tooltip` function to concatenate the prefix and value, separated by a space. Finally, we plot the chart using the `plot` function, passing the `tooltip` variable as an argument.

Customizing the Prefix and Value

Of course, you can customize the prefix and value to suit your needs. Here are a few examples:

Using a Custom Prefix

prefix = "USD"
tooltip = prefix + " " + tostring(value)

Using a Dynamic Prefix

prefix = syminfo.currency
tooltip = prefix + " " + tostring(value)

In this example, we use the `syminfo.currency` built-in variable to dynamically retrieve the currency symbol associated with the current symbol.

Using a Calculated Value

value = close * 100
tooltip = prefix + " " + tostring(value)

In this example, we calculate the value by multiplying the `close` price by 100. You can replace this with any calculation that suits your needs.

Common Use Cases and Variations

Now that you’ve mastered the art of adding a prefix to the status line, let’s explore some common use cases and variations:

Cryptocurrency Charting

prefix = "BTC"
value = close
tooltip = prefix + " " + tostring(value)

In this example, we’re creating a cryptocurrency chart with the prefix “BTC” before the price value.

Stock Charting with Currency Symbol

prefix = syminfo.currency
value = close
tooltip = prefix + " " + tostring(value)

In this example, we’re using the `syminfo.currency` variable to dynamically retrieve the currency symbol associated with the current stock symbol.

Adding a Suffix

suffix = " per share"
value = close
tooltip = tostring(value) + suffix

In this example, we’re adding a suffix ” per share” to the value displayed in the status line.

Troubleshooting and Optimization

As with any coding endeavor, you may encounter issues or optimization opportunities. Here are some common troubleshooting tips and optimization strategies:

Common Issues

If your prefix or value isn’t displaying correctly, check the following:

  • Ensure that your prefix and value variables are correctly defined and formatted.
  • Verify that your Pine Script version is compatible with the `tooltip` function.
  • Check for any syntax errors or typos in your code.

Optimization Strategies

To optimize your Pine Script code, consider the following:

  • Use built-in variables and functions whenever possible to reduce code complexity.
  • Minimize the number of calculations and operations to improve performance.
  • Use Pine Script’s built-in caching mechanisms to reduce redundant calculations.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the basics of Pine Script and shown you how to add a prefix before the value in the status line of a chart. With this knowledge, you can create custom indicators, strategies, and scripts that provide valuable insights and context to traders and analysts.

Remember to experiment with different prefixes, values, and customizations to unlock the full potential of Pine Script. Happy coding!

Keyword Definition
Pine Script A lightweight, open-source language developed by TradingView for creating custom indicators, strategies, and scripts.
Status Line The tooltip or data window that appears when you hover over a chart, providing essential information about the current price, open, high, low, close, and other relevant data points.
Prefix A string or symbol added before the value displayed in the status line, providing additional context and meaning.
Tooltip A customizable string or label displayed in the status line, often containing essential information about the current data point.
  1. Pine Script Documentation
  2. BTCUSD Chart Example
  3. Prefix and Suffix Example Script

I hope this article meets your requirements. Let me know if you need any further assistance!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to elevate your Pine Script game with these frequently asked questions about adding a prefix before a value in the status line of a chart!

Q1: How do I add a prefix before a value in the status line of a chart using Pine Script?

To add a prefix before a value in the status line of a chart, you can use the `toa` function along with the `text` parameter. For example, if you want to add a prefix “My Prefix: ” before the value of a variable `myVar`, you can use the following code: `plot(myVar, “My Prefix: “+to.string(myVar))`. This will display the prefix followed by the value of `myVar` in the status line.

Q2: Can I use a dynamic prefix that changes based on certain conditions?

Absolutely! You can use Pine Script’s conditional statements, such as `if` or `ternary`, to dynamically generate the prefix based on certain conditions. For example, if you want to display a different prefix depending on the value of a variable `condition`, you can use the following code: `plot(myVar, (condition ? “Prefix 1: ” : “Prefix 2: “) + to.string(myVar))`. This will display either “Prefix 1: ” or “Prefix 2: ” followed by the value of `myVar` in the status line, depending on the value of `condition`.

Q3: How do I add multiple prefixes or suffixes to a value in the status line?

To add multiple prefixes or suffixes, you can simply concatenate them using the `+` operator. For example, if you want to add both a prefix and a suffix to the value of `myVar`, you can use the following code: `plot(myVar, “Prefix: ” + to.string(myVar) + ” Suffix”)`. This will display “Prefix: ” followed by the value of `myVar` and then ” Suffix” in the status line.

Q4: Can I use Pine Script’s built-in formatting functions to format the prefix or value?

Yes, you can use Pine Script’s built-in formatting functions, such as `tomons` or `tovolume`, to format the prefix or value. For example, if you want to display the value of `myVar` in a specific currency format, you can use the following code: `plot(myVar, “Prefix: ” + tomons(myVar, “USD”))`. This will display the value of `myVar` in USD format, preceded by the prefix “Prefix: “.

Q5: Can I use a variable to store the prefix and reuse it throughout my script?

Yes, you can store the prefix in a variable and reuse it throughout your script. For example, you can define a variable `prefix = “My Prefix: “` and then use it in your plot function: `plot(myVar, prefix + to.string(myVar))`. This way, you can easily change the prefix in one place and it will be updated everywhere you use the variable.