Overcoming the hurdles: Integrating a GoLand project in a submodule directory with the parent module
Image by Monnie - hkhazo.biz.id

Overcoming the hurdles: Integrating a GoLand project in a submodule directory with the parent module

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Are you struggling to get your GoLand project in a submodule directory to recognize the `go.mod` file in the parent directory? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Go modules and submodules, and provide a step-by-step guide on how to overcome this common hurdle.

Understanding Go modules and submodules

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a brief look at Go modules and submodules.

A Go module is a collection of related Go packages that are versioned together. It’s defined by a `go.mod` file that resides in the module’s root directory. The `go.mod` file contains the module’s name, version, and dependencies.

A submodule, on the other hand, is a module that’s nested within another module. It’s essentially a self-contained module that can be versioned and managed independently of its parent module.

The problem: GoLand project in a submodule directory can’t find `go.mod` file

When you create a GoLand project in a submodule directory, GoLand has trouble finding the `go.mod` file in the parent directory. This is because GoLand looks for the `go.mod` file in the current directory and its ancestors, but it stops at the submodule directory boundary.

This can lead to frustrating errors, such as:

go: cannot find main module, but found GOMOD files: 

Or, you might see warnings about the `go.mod` file not being found:

The 'go.mod' file is not found in the project directory or any of its ancestors

Solution: Configure GoLand to recognize the parent module

To overcome this hurdle, we’ll need to configure GoLand to recognize the parent module and its `go.mod` file.

Step 1: Set the GOPATH and GOROOT

First, make sure you have the GOPATH and GOROOT environment variables set correctly. You can do this by:

  • Opening the Settings dialog in GoLand (File > Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Go)
  • Clicking on the “…” button next to the “Go” dropdown
  • Setting the GOPATH and GOROOT variables to the correct values
  • Clicking “Apply” and then “OK”

Alternatively, you can set these variables in your system’s environment settings.

Step 2: Create a `go.mod` file in the submodule directory

In the submodule directory, create a new `go.mod` file with the following contents:

module submodule

go 1.17

replace (
    parent-module => ../../parent-module

This `go.mod` file tells Go to replace the `parent-module` dependency with the `../../parent-module` directory, which is the parent module’s root directory.

Step 3: Configure the submodule to use the parent module’s `go.mod` file

In the Settings dialog, go to Languages & Frameworks > Go > Go Modules, and set the “Module path” to the parent module’s `go.mod` file:


This tells GoLand to use the parent module’s `go.mod` file instead of the submodule’s own `go.mod` file.

Step 4: Update the GoLand project settings

Finally, update the GoLand project settings to recognize the submodule as part of the parent module:

  • Open the Project Structure dialog (File > Settings > Project: [Project Name] > Project Structure)
  • Click on the “Modules” tab
  • Click the “+” button to add a new module
  • Select the submodule directory
  • Click “OK” to close the dialog

Benefits of integrating the submodule with the parent module

By integrating the submodule with the parent module, you’ll enjoy several benefits:

  • Better code organization: Your code is organized in a more logical and hierarchical structure, making it easier to navigate and maintain.
  • Improved dependency management: GoLand can manage dependencies more accurately, reducing the risk of version conflicts and inconsistencies.
  • Enhanced code completion and inspections: GoLand can provide more accurate code completion and inspections, thanks to its ability to recognize the submodule’s dependencies and imports.
  • Simplified builds and testing: You can build and test your code more efficiently, as GoLand can recognize the submodule’s dependencies and build configurations.
Benefit Description
Better code organization Your code is organized in a more logical and hierarchical structure, making it easier to navigate and maintain.
Improved dependency management GoLand can manage dependencies more accurately, reducing the risk of version conflicts and inconsistencies.
Enhanced code completion and inspections GoLand can provide more accurate code completion and inspections, thanks to its ability to recognize the submodule’s dependencies and imports.
Simplified builds and testing You can build and test your code more efficiently, as GoLand can recognize the submodule’s dependencies and build configurations.


In conclusion, integrating a GoLand project in a submodule directory with the parent module requires careful configuration of the `go.mod` file, GOPATH, and GOROOT. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can overcome the common hurdle of GoLand not recognizing the parent module’s `go.mod` file.

Remember to set the GOPATH and GOROOT correctly, create a `go.mod` file in the submodule directory, configure the submodule to use the parent module’s `go.mod` file, and update the GoLand project settings.

By doing so, you’ll enjoy the benefits of better code organization, improved dependency management, enhanced code completion and inspections, and simplified builds and testing.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re having trouble integrating your GoLand project in a submodule directory with the rest of the module, you’re not alone! Here are some answers to your burning questions:

Q1: Why can’t my GoLand project in a submodule directory find the `go.mod` file in the parent directory?

By default, GoLand looks for the `go.mod` file in the current working directory, not in the parent directory. To fix this, you can configure the module path in the GoLand settings. Go to `Settings` > `Go` > `Go Modules` and set the `Module path` to the parent directory containing the `go.mod` file.

Q2: Can I use a relative path to specify the module path in GoLand?

Yes, you can! Instead of specifying an absolute path, you can use a relative path to the parent directory. For example, if your submodule is in a directory called `submodule` and the `go.mod` file is in the parent directory, you can set the `Module path` to `../`.

Q3: Will setting the module path affect my other GoLand projects?

No, the module path setting is specific to the current project. You can set a different module path for each project, and it won’t affect your other projects.

Q4: Can I use a GoLand project in a submodule directory as a standalone project?

Yes, you can! You can create a separate GoLand project for your submodule directory and configure it to use the `go.mod` file in the parent directory. This way, you can work on your submodule independently of the rest of the module.

Q5: Are there any limitations to integrating a submodule GoLand project with the rest of the module?

One limitation is that you won’t be able to use GoLand’s built-in refactorings and code analysis across module boundaries. However, you can still use GoLand’s code completion, debugging, and testing features within your submodule project.