How to Hide an Annoying Third-Party Plugin Alert on Your WordPress Site’s Health Page
Image by Monnie -

How to Hide an Annoying Third-Party Plugin Alert on Your WordPress Site’s Health Page

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Are you tired of seeing an unwanted alert from a third-party plugin on your WordPress site’s health page? You’re not alone! This pesky alert can be frustrating, especially when you’re trying to focus on more important things. But fear not, dear WordPress user, for we’ve got a solution for you. In this article, we’ll show you how to hide that annoying alert using a simple snippet of code.

Why Do I See This Alert?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly understand why you’re seeing this alert in the first place. When you install a third-party plugin on your WordPress site, it may include functionality that interacts with your site’s health page. Sometimes, these plugins may display alerts or notifications on the health page, which can be useful, but sometimes they can be distracting or unnecessary.

In some cases, these alerts may be related to compatibility issues, conflicts with other plugins, or even just a reminder to update the plugin. Whatever the reason, we’ll show you how to hide these alerts and regain control over your site’s health page.

The Solution: Adding a Snippet of Code

The solution is remarkably simple: we’ll add a snippet of code to your WordPress site’s functions.php file. This code will target the specific plugin that’s displaying the alert and hide it from view.

Here’s the code you’ll need to add:

function hide_third_party_plugin_alert() {
  add_filter( 'site_health_manual_action', 'hide_alert' );
  function hide_alert( $manual_actions ) {
    unset( $manual_actions['third_party_plugin_alert'] );
    return $manual_actions;
add_action( 'admin_init', 'hide_third_party_plugin_alert' );

This code uses two WordPress hooks: admin_init and site_health_manual_action. The admin_init hook is used to execute our code when the admin dashboard is loaded, while the site_health_manual_action hook allows us to modify the alerts displayed on the health page.

How to Add the Code

To add this code to your WordPress site, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress site’s admin dashboard.
  2. Click on the Appearance tab in the left-hand menu.
  3. Click on the Editor sub-tab.
  4. In the files list on the right-hand side, click on the Theme Functions (functions.php) file.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the file and add the code above.
  6. Click the Update File button to save your changes.

Customizing the Code

The code above is generic and may need to be customized to target the specific plugin that’s displaying the alert. To do this, you’ll need to identify the plugin’s unique identifier, which is usually found in the plugin’s code or documentation.

For example, let’s say the plugin is called “Third Party Plugin” and its identifier is third_party_plugin_alert. You can modify the code above to target this specific plugin by replacing the 'third_party_plugin_alert' string with the actual identifier.

function hide_third_party_plugin_alert() {
  add_filter( 'site_health_manual_action', 'hide_alert' );
  function hide_alert( $manual_actions ) {
    unset( $manual_actions['third_party_plugin_alert'] );
    return $manual_actions;
add_action( 'admin_init', 'hide_third_party_plugin_alert' );

Troubleshooting and Conclusion

After adding the code, refresh your site’s health page to see if the alert has been hidden. If you’re still seeing the alert, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Check that you’ve added the code correctly to your functions.php file.
  • Verify that you’ve replaced the generic identifier with the actual plugin identifier.
  • Clear your browser’s cache and try reloading the health page.
  • If you’re using a caching plugin, try clearing the cache and reloading the health page.

By following these steps and adding the snippet of code, you should be able to hide the annoying alert from the third-party plugin on your WordPress site’s health page. Remember to customize the code to target the specific plugin that’s causing the issue, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance.

Tip Description
Use a code editor with syntax highlighting to add the code, as this can help you identify any errors or typos. Syntax highlighting can help you identify any errors or typos in the code, making it easier to add the code correctly.
Make a backup of your functions.php file before adding the code, in case anything goes wrong. Backing up your functions.php file can help you restore your site to its original state if anything goes wrong.

With this solution, you can regain control over your site’s health page and focus on more important things. Happy coding!

Note: Please replace “third_party_plugin_alert” with the actual identifier of the plugin that’s displaying the alert.Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Snippet code to hide a third-party plugin that is showing its alert on WordPress site health”

Frequently Asked Question

Get your answers to the most frequently asked questions about hiding third-party plugin alerts on WordPress site health!

What is the purpose of hiding a third-party plugin alert on WordPress site health?

The purpose of hiding a third-party plugin alert on WordPress site health is to declutter your site’s dashboard and improve user experience. These alerts can be distracting and unnecessary, so hiding them helps you focus on more important tasks.

How do I identify the CSS class of the third-party plugin alert I want to hide?

To identify the CSS class of the third-party plugin alert, you can inspect the HTML element using your browser’s developer tools. Right-click on the alert and select “Inspect” or “Inspect Element”. This will open the developer tools, where you can find the CSS class in the “Elements” tab.

What is the snippet code to hide a third-party plugin alert on WordPress site health?

The snippet code to hide a third-party plugin alert on WordPress site health is: `add_action(‘admin_head’, function() { echo ‘

‘; });` Replace `.alert-class` with the actual CSS class of the alert you want to hide.

Where do I add the snippet code to hide the third-party plugin alert?

You can add the snippet code to your theme’s `functions.php` file or a custom plugin. If you’re not comfortable editing code, you can also use a plugin like Code Snippets or Insert Headers and Footers to add the code.

Will hiding a third-party plugin alert affect the plugin’s functionality?

No, hiding a third-party plugin alert will not affect the plugin’s functionality. The plugin will continue to work as usual, and the alert will simply be hidden from view. This is a purely cosmetic change to improve your site’s user experience.

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