Unlocking the Power of Parallelism: More Parallelism Than Expected in Glue ETL Spark Job
Image by Monnie - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Parallelism: More Parallelism Than Expected in Glue ETL Spark Job

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Are you tired of waiting for your Glue ETL Spark jobs to complete? Do you want to unlock the full potential of parallel processing to speed up your data transformation and loading tasks? You’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of parallelism in Glue ETL Spark jobs and explore the secrets to achieving more parallelism than expected.

Understanding Parallelism in Glue ETL Spark Jobs

In a Glue ETL Spark job, parallelism is crucial to handle large datasets and reduce the processing time. By default, Spark uses a single executor to process the data, which can lead to bottlenecks and slower performance. However, by configuring the Spark executors and tuning the parallelism settings, you can unlock the full potential of your Glue ETL Spark job.

Tip 1: Configure the Number of Executors

One of the most critical aspects of achieving parallelism in Glue ETL Spark jobs is configuring the number of executors. An executor is a separate JVM process that runs on a node in the cluster and is responsible for executing tasks. By increasing the number of executors, you can increase the parallelism and reduce the processing time.

To configure the number of executors in a Glue ETL Spark job, you can use the following code:

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("My Glue ETL Job").getOrCreate()
spark.conf.set("spark.executor.instances", 10)

In this example, we’re setting the number of executors to 10. You can adjust this value based on your cluster size, dataset size, and processing requirements.

Tip 2: Tune the Executor Cores and Memory

Another important aspect of parallelism is configuring the executor cores and memory. The number of cores determines how many tasks can be executed concurrently, while the memory determines how much data can be processed in parallel.

To configure the executor cores and memory, you can use the following code:

spark.conf.set("spark.executor.cores", 5)
spark.conf.set("spark.executor.memory", "10g")

In this example, we’re setting the number of cores to 5 and the memory to 10 GB. You can adjust these values based on your cluster resources and processing requirements.

Tip 3: Repartition Your Data

Repartitioning your data is another crucial step in achieving parallelism in Glue ETL Spark jobs. By default, Spark uses a single partition to process the data, which can lead to bottlenecks and slower performance. By repartitioning your data, you can increase the parallelism and reduce the processing time.

To repartition your data, you can use the following code:


In this example, we’re repartitioning the DataFrame into 100 partitions. You can adjust this value based on your dataset size and processing requirements.

Tip 4: Use Cache and Persist

Caching and persisting your data can significantly improve the performance of your Glue ETL Spark job. By caching the data, you can reduce the number of times the data is re-computed, and by persisting the data, you can store the intermediate results and reuse them.

To cache and persist your data, you can use the following code:


In this example, we’re caching the DataFrame and persisting it to disk. This can significantly improve the performance of your Glue ETL Spark job.

Tip 5: Avoid Shuffles and Joins

Shuffles and joins are two of the most expensive operations in Spark, and they can significantly impact the performance of your Glue ETL Spark job. Shuffles occur when Spark needs to redistribute data between nodes, and joins occur when Spark needs to combine data from multiple DataFrames.

To avoid shuffles and joins, you can use the following techniques:

  • Use broadcast variables to reduce the number of shuffles.
  • Use data skew handling techniques to reduce the impact of joins.
  • Use data aggregation and grouping to reduce the number of joins.

By avoiding shuffles and joins, you can significantly improve the performance of your Glue ETL Spark job and achieve more parallelism than expected.

Tip 6: Monitor and Optimize

Monitoring and optimizing your Glue ETL Spark job is crucial to achieving more parallelism than expected. By monitoring the job performance, you can identify bottlenecks and optimize the configuration to improve the performance.

To monitor and optimize your Glue ETL Spark job, you can use the following tools:

  • Spark UI: A built-in tool that provides detailed metrics and insights into the job performance.
  • Glue Console: A built-in tool that provides detailed metrics and insights into the job performance.
  • Third-party tools: Such as Sparklint, SparkTuner, and Apache Spark Monitoring.

By monitoring and optimizing your Glue ETL Spark job, you can identify areas of improvement and achieve more parallelism than expected.


Achieving more parallelism than expected in Glue ETL Spark jobs requires a combination of configuration, tuning, and optimization. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you can unlock the full potential of parallelism in your Glue ETL Spark job and reduce the processing time.

Remember to configure the number of executors, tune the executor cores and memory, repartition your data, use cache and persist, avoid shuffles and joins, and monitor and optimize your job performance. By doing so, you can achieve more parallelism than expected and take your Glue ETL Spark job to the next level.

Tips and Tricks Description
Configure the number of executors Set the number of executors to increase parallelism
Tune the executor cores and memory Configure the executor cores and memory to optimize parallelism
Repartition your data Repartition your data to increase parallelism
Use cache and persist Cache and persist your data to reduce re-computation
Avoid shuffles and joins Avoid shuffles and joins to reduce processing time
Monitor and optimize Monitor and optimize your job performance to achieve more parallelism

By following these tips and tricks, you can unlock the full potential of parallelism in your Glue ETL Spark job and take your data transformation and loading tasks to the next level.


Q: What is parallelism in Glue ETL Spark jobs?

A: Parallelism refers to the ability of a system to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, leveraging multiple processing units or cores to reduce the overall processing time.

Q: How do I configure the number of executors in a Glue ETL Spark job?

A: You can configure the number of executors in a Glue ETL Spark job using the following code: spark.conf.set("spark.executor.instances", 10).

Q: What is repartitioning in Glue ETL Spark jobs?

A: Repartitioning is the process of dividing the data into smaller partitions to increase parallelism and reduce processing time.

Q: How do I monitor and optimize my Glue ETL Spark job?

A: You can monitor and optimize your Glue ETL Spark job using Spark UI, Glue Console, and third-party tools such as Sparklint, SparkTuner, and Apache Spark Monitoring.

Q: What are shuffles and joins in Glue ETL Spark jobs?

A: Shuffles occur when Spark needs to redistribute data between nodes, and joins occur when Spark needs to combine data from multiple DataFrames. Both shuffles and joins are expensive operations that can impact the performance of your Glue ETL Spark job.

Q: How do I avoid shuffles

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash the power of parallelism in your Glue ETL Spark job! Below are some frequently asked questions that’ll help you optimize your data processing like a pro!

What’s the magic behind more parallelism in Glue ETL Spark jobs?

The secret lies in Spark’s ability to split your data into smaller chunks, making it possible to process them in parallel across multiple executors. By increasing the number of executors, you can tap into the power of parallel processing, reducing your job’s execution time and making it more efficient!

How does Glue ETL optimize parallelism in Spark jobs?

Glue ETL takes care of parallelism optimization for you by automatically adjusting the number of executors based on the size of your input data and the available resources in your Spark cluster. This ensures that your job runs efficiently, without you having to worry about the nitty-gritty details!

What’s the ideal number of executors for a Glue ETL Spark job?

The ideal number of executors depends on the size of your data and the available resources in your Spark cluster. As a general rule of thumb, you can start with a small number of executors (e.g., 2-5) and adjust as needed to achieve the desired level of parallelism. Remember, more executors don’t always mean better performance – it’s all about finding the sweet spot!

Will increasing parallelism in my Glue ETL Spark job reduce its overall cost?

Yes, increasing parallelism can lead to cost savings! By reducing the execution time of your job, you’ll be billed for fewer hours of compute time. However, keep in mind that using more executors might increase your memory and storage costs. It’s essential to strike a balance between parallelism and cost efficiency!

How do I monitor and optimize parallelism in my Glue ETL Spark job?

AWS Glue provides built-in monitoring and logging capabilities to help you track the performance of your Spark jobs. You can use these metrics to fine-tune your job’s configuration, adjust the number of executors, and optimize parallelism for better performance and cost efficiency!