Unraveling the Mystery of knit and by Chunk Execution in R Markdown
Image by Monnie - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery of knit and by Chunk Execution in R Markdown

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Welcome to the world of R Markdown, where the joys of knitting and chunking can sometimes lead to frustration and confusion. If you’re struggling to understand the difference between knit and by chunk execution in R Markdown, fear not! This comprehensive guide is here to demystify the process and provide you with the clarity you need to take your R Markdown skills to the next level.

What is Knitting in R Markdown?

Knitting is the process of rendering an R Markdown document into a finished output format, such as HTML, PDF, or Word. When you knit an R Markdown document, RStudio (or any other R Markdown editor) takes the R code, Markdown syntax, and other elements, and weaves them together into a beautifully formatted document.

# This is an example of an R Markdown document
title: "My Awesome R Markdown Document"
output: html_document

## Introduction
This is an introduction to my R Markdown document.

## R Code
x <- 1:10
y <- rnorm(10)
plot(x, y)
## Conclusion
This is the conclusion of my R Markdown document.

In this example, the R Markdown document contains Markdown syntax (headers, paragraphs, and lists), R code (inside the triple-backtick code fence), and other elements (such as the YAML header). When you knit this document, R Markdown will execute the R code, render the Markdown syntax, and produce a beautiful HTML document.

What is By Chunk Execution in R Markdown?

By chunk execution refers to the way R Markdown processes and executes the R code within an R Markdown document. When you knit an R Markdown document, R Markdown breaks the document into individual chunks, which are then executed independently.

What is a Chunk?

A chunk is a section of R code enclosed within backtick fences (````). Chunks can contain a single line of R code, multiple lines, or even entire functions. Chunks are the building blocks of R Markdown, and they allow you to organize your R code into manageable sections.

# This is an R Markdown document with two chunks
title: "My Awesome R Markdown Document"
output: html_document

## Introduction
This is an introduction to my R Markdown document.

## Chunk 1
x <- 1:10

## Chunk 2
y <- rnorm(10)
plot(x, y)

In this example, the R Markdown document contains two chunks: one for assigning a value to `x`, and another for generating a plot using `x` and `y`. When you knit this document, R Markdown will execute each chunk independently, which can sometimes lead to unexpected results.

The Difference between Knit and By Chunk Execution

The key difference between knit and by chunk execution lies in how R Markdown handles the R code and environment. When you knit an R Markdown document, R Markdown creates a new R environment for the entire document. This means that any variables or functions defined in one chunk are available to all subsequent chunks.

However, when you execute an R Markdown document by chunk, R Markdown creates a new R environment for each chunk. This means that variables or functions defined in one chunk are not available to subsequent chunks, unless they are explicitly passed or saved.

Example 1: Knit Execution

# This is an R Markdown document with two chunks
title: "My Awesome R Markdown Document"
output: html_document

## Introduction
This is an introduction to my R Markdown document.

## Chunk 1
x <- 1:10

## Chunk 2
y <- x + 1

In this example, when you knit the document, R Markdown creates a single R environment for the entire document. The value of `x` defined in Chunk 1 is available to Chunk 2, and the plot is generated correctly.

Example 2: By Chunk Execution

# This is an R Markdown document with two chunks
title: "My Awesome R Markdown Document"
output: html_document

## Introduction
This is an introduction to my R Markdown document.

## Chunk 1
x <- 1:10

## Chunk 2
y <- x + 1

In this example, when you execute the document by chunk, R Markdown creates a new R environment for each chunk. The value of `x` defined in Chunk 1 is not available to Chunk 2, and the code will throw an error.

Execution Method R Environment Variable Availability
Knit Single environment for the entire document Variables defined in one chunk are available to all subsequent chunks
By Chunk New environment for each chunk Variables defined in one chunk are not available to subsequent chunks, unless explicitly passed or saved

Best Practices for Knit and By Chunk Execution

To avoid unexpected results and ensure that your R Markdown document behaves as expected, follow these best practices:

  • Use the `knitr` package instead of the built-in R Markdown knitting engine. `knitr` provides more advanced features and better support for chunk-based execution.

  • Use the `cache = TRUE` option in the YAML header to enable caching. This will reduce the computation time and improve performance.

  • Use the `dependson` option in the chunk header to specify dependencies between chunks. This will ensure that chunks are executed in the correct order and that variables are properly passed between chunks.

  • Avoid using global variables or functions that are defined outside of chunks. Instead, define them within chunks or use the `assign` function to explicitly pass variables between chunks.

  • Use the `echo = FALSE` option in the chunk header to suppress the output of R code. This will improve the readability of your document and reduce clutter.


In conclusion, understanding the difference between knit and by chunk execution in R Markdown is crucial for producing high-quality, reproducible documents. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can ensure that your R Markdown documents behave as expected and produce the results you need. Remember to use the `knitr` package, enable caching, specify dependencies between chunks, avoid global variables, and suppress unnecessary output. Happy knitting (and chunking)!

Still got questions? Check out the official R Markdown documentation, the `knitr` package documentation, and the R Markdown community forums for more information and support.

Stay tuned for more tutorials, guides, and articles on R Markdown and data science. Follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the world of data science.

Frequently Asked Question

R Markdown can be a bit tricky when it comes to knitting and chunk execution. Don't worry, we've got you covered!

Why does knitting my R Markdown document produce different results compared to executing chunks individually?

When you knit an R Markdown document, all chunks are executed in a single R session. This means that any variables or functions defined in one chunk are available to all subsequent chunks. On the other hand, executing chunks individually creates a new R session for each chunk, which can lead to different results. To avoid this, try restarting your R session before knitting your document or use the `knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = FALSE)` option to evaluate each chunk independently.

How can I ensure that my R Markdown document produces consistent results, regardless of the execution method?

To ensure consistent results, make sure to define all necessary variables and functions within each chunk. Avoid relying on variables or functions defined in previous chunks or sessions. Additionally, use the `knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = FALSE)` option to disable caching, which can also affect results. Finally, try to minimize global side effects by using local variables and functions whenever possible.

What happens when I use `knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = TRUE)` with chunk execution?

When you set `eval = TRUE`, each chunk is executed in a separate R session, similar to executing chunks individually. This means that variables and functions defined in one chunk are not available to subsequent chunks. Be cautious when using this option, as it can lead to unexpected results or errors if your chunks rely on shared variables or functions.

Can I use chunk options to customize the execution behavior for specific chunks?

Yes, you can! R Markdown provides various chunk options, such as `eval`, `include`, and `cache`, to customize the execution behavior for specific chunks. For example, you can use `eval = FALSE` to prevent a chunk from being executed or `cache = TRUE` to cache the results of a computationally expensive chunk. Check out the R Markdown documentation for a comprehensive list of chunk options.

How can I troubleshoot issues related to knit and chunk execution in R Markdown?

When troubleshooting, try executing your chunks individually to identify the source of the issue. Use the `knitr::purl()` function to extract the R code from your Markdown document and execute it in a separate R session. Also, check the R Markdown log files for error messages and warnings. Finally, consult the R Markdown documentation and online resources, such as the R Markdown community forum, for further guidance and support.